You Belong Here

You Belong Here

You Belong Here, The Journey To MTN GRL Wyoming

MTN GRL was born out of a yearning to belong.  My family moved to Cody to be closer to family.  It was a prompting…a leap of faith…and completely crazy.  A least, that’s what everyone thought (including me). 

I had big plans to slow down and find a new passion; maybe buy some chickens and goats and just enjoy life for a while.  The rat race of the city had made my soul weary, and I was ready for a fresh start and a new adventure.  Little did I know how strange it would all be and how out of place I would immediately find myself.  A fish out of water, so to speak.  I simply didn’t feel like I fit in here.

My morning walks along the river offered me time to reflect, plan, pray, cry…I kept thinking, “what am I doing here?”  It was not at all what I had pictured this new “adventure” to look like, and I was certain that God had made a huge mistake leading me here.  What could He possibly have in store and how could I ever fulfill my potential when I was so lonely and unhappy?

Luckily, He always has a plan, and it is always good. 

During these walks, I would talk with myself (please tell me I am not the only one with an inner monologue) about the struggles, oddities, and new challenges I was facing.  I could see these mental journal entries as a potential blog idea; certainly, there were other people like me trying to adjust to a life change and craving a sense of belonging.  It would be engaging, funny, endearing, and we would all have this place to connect, laugh and cry together.  There would be recipes, inspiration, stories, maybe a shop with some logo wear and artisan-made goods.  It would be awesome!  And it would be called “MTN GRL.”

I met Beth my first year here, and we quickly became great friends.  God’s plan began to gradually unfold, and one day on the way to a wedding set, it exploded.  We talked about this little business idea I had and how I had hoped to someday put it into motion.  She invited me to share all my dreams, plans and goals with zero judgment.  “Tell me more,” she would say, and suddenly, this idea that I had held in my heart blew open into a full out vision casting, mission creating, business plan strategy session.  MTN GRL was conceived through an authentic invitation to dream.  

MTN GRL is so much more than a boutique.  It is a lifestyle.  Here, we welcome guests from all over the country, and potentially the world with one message: you belong here. 

Our Western Fusion style is ageless and limitless.  It meets you where you are, wherever that may be.  Our fashion pieces are thoughtfully selected and outfit-focused, meaning you can pick up one special piece which will seamlessly integrate with your core wardrobe (more on that later) or we can style you with a compete outfit.  Here, you will find exciting, flattering silhouettes in beautiful colors and patterns in a comfortable range of price points.  Our core pieces and premium brands will be strongly centered on quality and fit, with on-trend add-ins for value, variety, and easy seasonal updates.

Thank you for joining us on this journey. 

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